Site Wall


Site Wall

This page is intended as a place where you can write a personal message that you would like to share. If you would prefer to comment privately, please feel free to email Paul directly. If you would like to share a story about Jamie, please do that here.



  • Kat O'Brien says:
    March 15, 2013 at 6:08 pm


    Brian and Paul – you both did an amazing job with this website. It is so beautiful and honors Jamie so well. Paul, Jamie would be so proud of you.

  • Brian, Paul, & Kat,
    Thank you so much for creating this website. I can’t tell you how much it means to me, I am literally on it every day. I miss Jamie so much and I find myself continually just going through the pictures and rereading the stories that people continue to post. Again, thank you so much.

  • Kat O'Brien says:
    March 22, 2013 at 6:03 pm


    I know Dougie, me too.

  • Guys, I visit this site daily and you have no idea how many emotions I feel. It is beautiful, healing, connecting on so many levels. I know it must have taken incredible patience and work but Barr and I cannot thank you enough.

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