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My (Pete) favorite story of all time was the night that Paul and Jamie came and spent the evening at our house. We ate a fantastic meal and shared some fun, lively, and loud conversation. After dinner we cranked the tunes and the four of us danced our booty’s off. We danced so hard that Paul and I were sweating buckets and grinning ear to ear. If you look up “trip the light fantastic” in the dictionary there is a picture of the four of us with socks and no shoes dancing our fool butts off. I am sure we were listening to the Party Channel on XM or satellite. I can’t remember an evening of more spontaneous fun and feeling so comfortable acting like a complete nut. She helped all of us live louder and fuller.

– Pete Kindem


This page is intended as a place where you can write a personal message that you would like to share. If you would prefer to comment privately, please feel free to email Paul directly. If you would like to share a story about Jamie, please do that here.


The Rogers Family was kind enough to lend us their beautiful beach house for the week, which we are extremely thankful for. And, for the first time John, Larkin and Reagan spend a week at the beach, an American beach, that is. John and Larkin have already discovered the warm beauty and joy of the Caribbean climate: Jamaica in June, 2011. And then they were more frequent denizens of the pool than the sand and ocean waves.

Truth to tell, they are still looking at the ocean with extreme wariness. Our first day in Atlantic Beach is all windswept rollers and frothing surf. It sets the tone for the little ones’ approach to playing in the sea. Not really going to happen, not this week. We are actually very OK with this approach…for now.

But there’s walking and running the beach with assorted family members, playing in the sand, picking up some shells, going on bike rides, and absolutely loving water play in a kiddy pool, safe up high on the deck or down on the beach in the sand. There’s a new playground to discover, and even the first bites of a Bojangles chicken sandwich. Thanks, daddy!

– Maureen O’Brien


The Day Baby Reagan Came Home

The beautiful baby who had a deluge of prayers and loving hopes sent her way for eleven days came home to her eager family on August 10, 2012 from the UNC Hospital NICU.

Reagan O’Brien Kindem, weighing 8 lbs 3 oz, and with the first name her mother chose and the middle name her father added the day she was born, became an immediate balm to a sorrowing Kindem-O’Brien clan.

From the very beginning of her painful journey into this world, little Reagan showed pluck and determination, and even flashes of the sweetness that has come to be the hallmark of her first months of life.

At two days old, she responded as if she recognized her daddy’s voice when he sang to her in her hospital crib, a crib festooned with the latest in life-saving technology: a cold blanket beneath her, to bring down the temperature of her brain, tubes, monitors, EEG wires…and pictures of her mommy, daddy, and her brother and sister to love her and urge her on.
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